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World's Fastest Radiation Shield Door 

Stop waiting for your Neutron Door to open.  Bi-Parting technology reduces the opening time which

will increase your workflow and patient treatments. 

Door Types:

    Bi-Part Sliding ShieldDOOR®
       The Fastest ShieldDOOR® in the Industry

    Sliding Type ShieldDOOR®
        Traditional sliding style shielding doors

    Swing Type Hinged ShieldDOOR®
        The smallest footprint saves the most space

Our experienced design team will help you achieve the most efficient and cost effective radiation shielding design solution for your project, budget and schedule.  Let us share our linear accelerator vault design experience as well as our linear accelerator neutron door designs.  Your project and client will benefit from our latest innovations in neutron doors, operators and safety devices

For more information, visit

This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

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